Teplice Botanical Garden
The only botanical garden in the Ústí nad Labem Region was established by the statutory town of Teplice on the first of January 2002. However, it was not established “on a green field” – its area has been used for horticultural purposes for approximately one hundred years. In the building plans of the buildings dating from 1904, we find the word Stadtgärtnerei, ie urban gardening. The original greenhouses, which certainly served mainly spas, whether for the production of cut flowers or for wintering palm trees and other mobile greenery, were reconstructed (mainly thanks to the efforts of Ing. Marie Sternthal) in the early 1970s and opened to the public as a botanical garden in March 1975. .
At the time of its official establishment, the garden “inherited” about 2,000 species of plants. Less than half were planted in an outdoor hectare exposition, the greater part belonged to subtropical and tropical, ie greenhouse species. The unique species you will find in it include the ancient specimen of the African conifer Afrocarpus (Podocarpus) gracilior or the cycad Encephalartos villosus from the same area, the beautiful Mexican Dasylirion serratifolium or fifty-year-old cacti and other succulents from the collections of Prof. F. Pulce. It is also worth mentioning two specimens of Gymnocladus canadensis, about 70 years old and richly fruiting.
Address: Josefa Suka 1388/18, 415 01 Teplice
Tel .: +420 417 534 359
Web: www.botanickateplice.cz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/botanickateplice
Opening hours:
1.10. – 30.4. (Winter season)
Tue – Sun 10:00 – 17:00
1.5. – 30.9. (summer season)
Tue – Sun 10:00 – 17:00
Admission full 50, – CZK / reduced 25, – CZK, children up to 6 years free
one-time family ticket (2 adults and max. 3 children) CZK 100
Public transport connections No. 103, 104, 106 – the final station Panorama, then 10 minutes walk downhill

Regional Museum
The Teplice Museum is located in the Teplice chateau, whose history began to be written in the second half of the 12th century, when the Czech Queen Judith founded a Benedictine monastery “by the warm waters” in honor of St. John the Baptist. During the Hussite wars, the monastery was destroyed and after them definitively abandoned by nuns. Under Johanka of Rožmitál, it was rebuilt into a secular fortress, which was further expanded by other owners – Wolf of Vřesovice and Vchynský into a chateau. From 1634 to 1945, the castle was owned by the Clary-Aldringen family.
Valuable interiors such as a hall with a painted coffered ceiling, a Rococo hall with rich stucco decoration or rooms with Rococo, Empire and Biedermeier furnishings are preserved inside the chateau buildings. These spaces used to witness private visits and political meetings of European rulers and a rich social life, to which they added luster to Prince Ch. de Ligne, G. Casanova, J. W. Goethe, F. Chopin, F. Liszt and others.
In addition to historic castle interiors, Teplice Castle offers a tour of museum exhibitions dedicated to the prehistory of northwestern Bohemia, the development of ceramic production in Teplice, historical clocks, spas, Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque art, but also a science exhibition, antler corridor and numismatic cabinet. The visitor circle also includes the inner courtyard of the chateau, where there is a unique Romanesque exposition with the remains of Queen Judith and the remains of a Romanesque basilica with a rarely preserved Romanesque crypt.
Address: Zámecké náměstí 14, 415 01 Teplice
Tel .: +420 412 359 000
Web: www.muzeum-teplice.cz
Facebook: www.facebook.com/muzeum.teplice
Opening hours:
Tue – Sun 10:00 – 17:00 (guided tours every full hour, last tour at 16:00)
Admission full CZK 50 / reduced CZK 30, children up to 6 years free
Tue – Fri 12:00 – 17:00
Sat – Sun 10:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00
Admission full CZK 30 / reduced CZK 20, children up to 6 years free

Chateau Garden
At the end of the 18th century, the owner of the chateau, Prince Jan Nepomuk Clary-Aldringen, imprinted the appearance of the chateau garden, as it is now known to the people of Teplice and visitors to the town. Originally a baroque garden, it was transformed into an English park with free – winding paths, islands on small and large ponds, with impressive lawns and interesting woody plants (plane trees, elms, ginkgo bulls, beeches, maples, yews, chestnut trees, hazelnuts, etc.)
Today’s Castle Garden offers an ideal place for a walk in nature, jogging or skating, visiting cultural events in the Garden House (especially worth mentioning the Little Paris project) or sitting in a cafe with monkeys standing next to a playground.

Observatory on Písečný vrch
The observatory is open to the public every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. In addition to regular day and evening observations, it also offers extraordinary events – a series of lectures on current astronomical topics of the Meeting in the First Quarter, the popularization cycle of Café Nobel and more.
every SATURDAY and SUNDAY from: 13:00, 14:00, 15:00, 16:00, 17:00
Sun observations (sunspots, facilla fields, protuberances). If it is not clear, only a replacement program will take place in the cinema hall of the observatory at these times (this one is mainly focused on the Sun). The replacement program is complemented by a tour of the exhibition and binoculars.
Every FRIDAY and SATURDAY from: 21:00, 22:00
Telescopic observation of objects in the evening sky (planet Venus, binary stars, star clusters, nebulae, galaxies). If it is not clear, only a replacement program will take place in the cinema hall of the observatory at the specified times (this one is mainly focused on the current sky). The replacement program is complemented by a tour of the exhibition and binoculars.
Address: Koperníkova 3062, 415 01 Teplice
Tel .: +420 773 791 438
Web: www.hapteplice.cz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HaPTeplice/
Public transport connections No. 103, 104, 106 – final station Panorama, then 10 minutes on foot

Tourist center Visit Teplice
VisitTeplice is a modern tourist center, where visitors to the city will find not only information about Teplice, but also the necessary souvenirs, gift items or books about Teplice.
It offers visitors designed sightseeing tours of the spa town of Teplice and the Teplice region with a program and a professional guide, focused on the history and monuments of the city. The program includes language variants of guide services (German / English / Russian / Czech) and entrances to destinations that are part of the selected route.
All information about the offered services and their individual variants will be communicated to you by the employees of the tourist center by telephone, electronically or in person.
Address: Dlouhá 63/31, 415 01 Teplice
Tel .: +420 776 007 024
Web: www.visitteplice.com
Email: info@visitteplice.com
Opening hours:
Mon – Sun 09:00 – 18:00

The ruins of the Doubravská hora castle
On a secluded hill on the outskirts of Teplice are the ruins of a late Gothic castle, built in 1478-86 by Jan Ilburk of Vřesovice. At the beginning of the 17th century, it was rebuilt into a fortress with an excellent and almost unique bastion fortification system in our country. The fortress played an important role during the Thirty Years’ War, when it was alternately conquered and held several times by Swedish troops, who plundered the surrounding area. After the war, by order of Emperor Ferdinand III. fortress destroyed. In the years 1884-85, Prince Clary-Aldringen of Teplice had a pseudo-Gothic imitation of castle buildings built here, which served as a picnic restaurant.
The ruins are accessible either on foot or on weekends also by the Humboldt tourist train (at 10 am and 4 pm from the Castle Square). Public transport will take you under the hill itself (No. 103, 104, 106 – final station Panorama)
In nice weather, you can enjoy views not only of the city of Teplice, but also of the Ore Mountains and the Czech Central Mountains. The way down can also be chosen along an educational trail dedicated not only to history, but also to the volcanic origin of the Doubravka hill and the local fauna and flora. A cross-country circuit is built around Doubravka and there are tennis courts and a bowling center nearby.
Web: www.hrad-doubravka.cz